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Ethic code
Our Ethic Code
Our Ethics Code is at the core of what we do and how we behave.
These values are embedded within the business, with every employee and partner having a clear commitment to that responsibility.
The Ethic Code is applicable to all employees across all Axchem Group Companies.
AXCHEM expects its employees to act in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and the Group at all times. The position of an AXCHEM employee may not be used to obtain any personal gain or advantage for a relative or close relation.
The company’s resources must not be used for work unconnected with its activity or that of the Group. No financial advantage or gift may be accepted or solicited by an AXCHEM employee for the purpose of favoring the interests of a client, a supplier or any third party. Similarly, no gift or advantage in any form may be promised or offered to any person or entity collaborating with or likely to collaborate with AXCHEM or any other Group Company.
No AXCHEM employee must become implicated in a situation where he might benefit from a relationship or act perpetrated which is not consistent with the interests of AXCHEM or a Group Company. Thus, no AXCHEM employee may take, directly or indirectly, a financial participation in any company engaged in business relations with AXCHEM or any other Group Company, without the latter firstly being consulted and expressly giving its agreement on the subject, and always provided that the securities in question are not quoted on the stock exchange.
An employee must not represent the Company in any transaction or commercial operation in which he has a direct or indirect interest, unless this interest has firstly been declared to the Company and the latter has given its agreement in writing for this employee to become involved despite having such an interest in the operation concerned.
In summary, every employee must act in such a way that he never places himself in a situation involving a conflict of interest, even if this is only a perceived one. The conduct of employees must at all times reflect a commitment to impartiality and fairness in all AXCHEM’s operations.
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