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DE 19801 – U.S.A.

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Congresso e Exposição Internacional de Celulose e Papel – a ABTCP, São Paulo (Brasil)

Do dia 1° a 3 de outubro, a Axchem teve a oportunidade de participar do Congresso e Exposição Internacional de Celulose e Papel – a ABTCP, em São Paulo.
Agradecemos a todos que visitaram nosso estande e contribuíram para o sucesso deste evento.
Foi uma excelente oportunidade para trocar conhecimentos, fortalecer parcerias e explorar novas soluções para o setor de celulose e papel.”

 “In the beginning of October, Axchem had the opportunity to attend the Pulp and Paper Congress in São Paulo – ABTCP.

We would like to thank all the visitors that have contributed with this event.It was an excellent opportunity to Exchange knowledge, strengthen partnership and explore new solutions for the Pulp and Paper sector!”

Deinking / Stock preparation

  • Repulping Agents for Wet Strength
  • Broke Anionic Trash Catcher | Anti Stickies and Pitch Agents
  • Flocculation & Coagulation Agents
  • Cationic & Anionic Charge Donors | Charge Control
  • Dispersing Agents | Anti Scaling
  • Defoamers | Deaerators
  • Sodium Aluminate | Aluminium Nitrate
  • Catalase Inhibition | Preservative Agents
  • DIP-Cleaner
  • Sodium Silicate
  • Biocides
  • OBA